About us

Thank you for visiting our website 123films.today where the adventure never ends. 123films.today is one of the biggest movie and television show collections for watching.

It is evident to all of us by now that entertainment is one of the most vital aspects of everyone’s life and this is why 123films.today was created – to guarantee that all movie lovers across the globe enjoy a smooth experience. If you love Hollywood, foreign movies, or TV shows, we have everything.

With our simple interface and large library, finding movies through categories such as a action, drama, romance, comedy, thriller and many more is very simple. We try to do better and add new ones so that you can find the newest movies as well as the old and still the best ones.

A major feature is the ability to stream movies and series in different formats. For the best experience, when watching one of your favorite movies, there are several resolutions you can select from creating a better viewing experience.

We respect your right to privacy as well as your security. We have done everything possible to safeguard your data and to ensure that you have a pleasant experience with us. We have a responsive and flexible platform that supports a variety of devices for playing different movies and TV shows on your laptop desktop tablet or smartphone.

At 123films.today, we are enforced because option to require entertainment are getting exaggerated. So we do provide you with a free membership option which allows you to try our content without spending money on it. We do have a premium membership plan as well whereby users will be able to get extra features and benefits which are not available to normal users.

You will be provided with a great customer support by our team. Should you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your feedback and would like to use it in our efforts to improve the quality of our services.

We have good reason to believe that you will endorse 123films.today as an entertainment portal. With a click of a button, you will be able to enjoy a never before experience of the most entertaining movies and TV shows and be able to forget the time.